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The perception of “personal presence” dictates decisions and actions every day. Buyers make purchases based on the personal presence and persuasiveness of the salesperson. Negotiators with the strongest personal presence, not necessarily the strongest argument, walk away with the best deals. Job applicants with the greatest confidence and people skills often beat out candidates more technically qualified. Managers with the strongest personal presence persuade the best people to come to work with them. People often start—or decline—a dating relationship based on first impressions. Organizations and nations often elect their leaders based on the power of personal presence as conveyed through the media.


People size you up quickly, and change their minds slowly. Researchers tell us that somewhere between eleven milliseconds and five minutes, people make judgments that do not differ from impressions made after much longer periods. So instead of resisting that fact, through this workshop, we will help participants understand how to make it work for them rather than against them.


Objectives of this workshop:


On completion of this 1-day workshop, attendees will have an enhanced ability to make a positive impact on everyone they come in contact with.








Contact us today to find out how you can bring the Increasing Personal Presence and Impact Workshop to your community, or organization. We have included the standard workshop outline below. All training can be tailored to meet your specific needs. 




Anyone who would like to enhance their personal presence and the impact they have on others.




Day 1: Eight Hours


Defining Personal Presence (Gravitas)

  • Identifying role model traits

  • Benefits for individuals in enhancing their presence and impact

  • Building a seven-word summary of gravitas

  • Exploring the 5 sources of power

  • Position and personal power

  • Personal impact audit

  • Know how to develop authority, presence and ‘weight’



  • Identifying your main limiting beliefs

  • Frameworks of reference

  • Locus of control


Living it Authentically

  • Being true to your values

  • Being mindful



  • The key steps


Stakeholder Mapping

  • Understanding your stakeholders


Making an Impactful First Impression

  • IMPACT model including body language and credibility statements  |  Tel: 202-480-0715

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