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What is the difference between “change management” and “change leadership”? Is it just a matter of semantics? In fact, these terms are not interchangeable. The distinction between the two is actually quite significant. Change management, which is the term most everyone uses, refers to a set of basic tools or structures intended to keep any change effort under control. The goal is often to minimize the distractions and impacts of the change. Change leadership, on the other hand, concerns the driving forces, visions, and processes that fuel large-scale transformation.


In today's rapidly changing world, we need change leadership more than ever. 


"Progress occurs when courageous, skilful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better." - Harry S. Truman.

In the modern workplace change is almost inevitable. It is rare for large organizations to escape, at some point in their lifecycle, a change that fundamentally shifts the business. The causes for this can be many and varied, including responding to technology changes, market maturation, or the wider macroeconomic environment. Regardless of the cause, large-scale change is required, and for successful change strong leadership is key. 


Objectives of this workshop:


On completion of this 1-day workshop, attendees will be able to identify the causes of change and have the ability to manage the process through to successful achievement of goals and objectives.








Contact us today to find out how you can bring the Leading Change Workshop to your community, or organization. We have included the standard workshop outline below. All training can be tailored to meet your specific needs. 




Leaders and managers who want to increase their insight and skills to drive change in their business, organization, or community by understanding the attitudes and responses that naturally occur so that they can support others through organizational change and bring about positive change within their organization.




Day 1: Eight Hours


Change Management versus Change Leadership

  • Identify internal and external forces for organizational change

  • Break down any resistance that people may have to change in the organization

  • Reflect on your own response to change

  • Explore change approaches and techniques to use in leading change


The Change Plan

  • Ways to organize and coordinate resources and activities to achieve planned change

  • How individuals and teams respond to change

  • The importance of communication in the change process

  • Introduce an action plan for change


Continuous Change Strategies

  • Supporting change initiatives in your business, organization, or community

  • Methods to monitor and control progress of change against plan

Leading Change.jpg  |  Tel: 202-480-0715

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