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Entrepreneurs, business owners, and executives of corporations who aren't intentional about planning are in a constant state of chaos and confusion. Ultimately, they leave the fate of their business to chance.  Don't accept chaos and confusion as part of your businesses status quo.


The strategic planning process should be dynamic and about creating the future that you desire and that your stakeholders deserve on a daily basis. It's intended to transform chaos and confusion into clarity and confidence. 


If you want to improve your likelihood of success, you must be intentional. Plan strategically and strive for daily excellence. The future of your business depends on it.


As Dr. John Kotter says, "Today, strategy is being viewed in some organizations more as a dynamic force, not one directed by a strategic planning department and put into a yearly planning cycle. It is a force that constantly seeks opportunities, identifies initiatives to capitalize on them, and completes those initiatives swiftly and efficiently."


Co-Creative Consulting can help you bring this type of dynamism to your strategic planning initiatives.


Co-Creative Consulting can help your team create your strategic plan, as well as help you implement it. For more information on the strategic planning process or our strategic planning services contact us for a consultation or learn about how a facilitator can help you maximize your next strategy meeting.  |  Tel: 202-480-0715

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